who are we?

SCC is an intergenerational congregation of people who come together to live out their faith in Jesus. We believe and teach that faith is more than just a Sunday morning thing — it’s a way of life! We’re here to help you take what you learn and live it out every day. Whether it’s through life groups, serving opportunities, or personal growth, we’re all about equipping you to make Jesus famous wherever you go. We encourage you to take your faith beyond the church walls and into your community!

Whether you’ve been attending church your whole life, you’ve never been inside a church, or maybe you’ve been hurt by a church in the past, one thing is true: we’re all looking for hope. At SCC, we believe Jesus is our hope, and we simply want you to know Him more. Jesus loves and accepts you as you are. The even better news is that He refuses to leave you the way that He found you.

We’re a non-denominational church emphasizing the Bible’s authority. We follow the early church’s lead with baptism by immersion and weekly communion, focusing on living out practical faith in Jesus in our daily lives. SCC was established in the mid-1980’s as Indian River Christian Church later changing our name to Sebastian Christian Church (SCC) after moving to our current campus. We are loosely affiliated with a group of churches known as the independent Christian Churches and Churches of Christ.  Historically, our church originated in the Restoration Movement, which began in the late 18th and early 19th centuries to promote unity among Christians by emphasizing the Bible over denominational attachments. SCC is an autonomous congregation and isn’t governed by any creed or council but led by a team of Elders patterned after the New Testament model and practice.